Saturday, 6 August 2011

Why I don't like The Beatles.....

It seems from various encounters with Americans that because I come from the UK, I am automatically expected to have an affinity to football and The Beatles.
My thoughts on the first of those topics have been aired numerous times, so I won't bore you again here.

However, before I start my rant on the second of the above topics, I wish to say that it is not a hate of The Beatles that I have. I respect them for who they are - an overrated boyband. I know that this will upset a few people, but here are my thoughts....

"Hey John"
"Yes Paul?"
"I've met a lovely young lady and I think she loves me."
"She loves you?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

A number one hit right there...... utter wank.

Furthermore, I don't like The Beatles because there are so many better bands than The Beatles.

"I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob" - The Beatles.
"And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our souls...." - Led Zeppelin
"You run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking..." - Pink Floyd

Game. Set. Match.

Right, now this will really upset people:
John Lennon is a talentless idiot. Everyone seems to forget that there were FOUR members of the band. So why do we have such a deification of one member?
Oh, it's because he was shot. If Mark Chapman had never done the dastardly deed, then perhaps the world would be a better place as people would have realised how shit John was. Paul had all the talent. Everyone knows that.

And as for Imagine being the greatest song ever written - the "song of the millenium" - I can only say one thing.

Imagine a world without that song.
Nice isn't it?

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